Portable Dad
“Portable Dad” (Stuff to know without the lecture) is a fun, practical, and easy to understand coaching guide written to be used as a reference tool for young adults and crowded heads. It is the third in my life skills series (joining Rich Without Money and the internationally acclaimed Managing the Worry Circle).
The book includes an expansive portfolio of 200+ valuable learning points with long-term life utility. The book teaches life navigation skills via bumper stickers and quick stories and anecdotes, not preachy pontification. What readers learn is instantly usable, so the takeaways and application of learning principles are immediate.
Portable Dad covers a wide array of topics such as:
- How your head works.
- How your mind deals with various types of worry.
- How digital reliance impacts the mind.
- Why your head gets crowded, and how best to manage all the noise a crowded head creates.
- How to remain positive, upbeat, and self-motivated.
- Principles of behavior, including why people do (or do not do) things.
- How to deal with the emotional challenges of disappointments and setbacks in matters of the heart, business, and relationships.
- How we see ourselves versus how others see us (and how to handle the resulting disjoints).
- Happiness and optimism versus cynicism and pessimism.
- The smartest and quickest way to build the life you want to live.
- How your head works when it deals with change and how best to handle it.
- Improving interpersonal effectiveness.
- How to build your very best personal brand.
- How to leave a legacy you are tremendously proud of.
The book is a distilled compilation of key learning points I have shared with thousands around the world. The guidance is proven and relevant, and has helped older workers as well as young adults with dreams and aspirations. The book is ideal for people of all ages who struggle to deal with frustrations of the head or heart.
The end goal, of course, is to get our heads and hearts aligned and Portable Dad teaches how. It is a “pay it forward” text, so hopefully what you learn you will eagerly share with others.
Should you have any questions about Portable Dad, keynotes, or coaching seminars, feel free to contact me by emailing ted@oceanpalmer.com. The book is immediately available in print at Amazon. com and soon available via all eBook formats and bookstores everywhere.
Thank you for reading.