I am tremendously proud to announce the impending release of “Portable Dad,” Stuff to Know without the Lecture. The book will soon be released in both eBook and print formats, with the eBook version expected later this month and print version soon to follow. Here is more about the project:
Ocean Palmer’s
Portable Dad
Stuff to Know without the Lecture
Portable Dad is a fun to read, story-rich head management teaching guide that also coaches matters of the heart. A succinct life navigation guidebook for young adults (and others young at heart), Portable Dad explains in plain English how your head works, why it gets crowded, how best to manage all the noise, and how to quickly keep your head and heart aligned.
Readers will benefit from a relevant army of easy to understand ideas and suggestions to minimize worry, maximize attitude and happiness, and dramatically improve time use decisions to increase efficiency.
Ours is a world crowded with chronically oversubscribed and tired, busy people but woefully short of happy, productive ones. Portable Dad explains why the dichotomy exists, and teaches exactly what to do if you are one who seeks a richer, more successful life with far less stress.
More than 200 learning suggestions are liberally sprinkled among all twelve chapters shared below. Each is accompanied by a brief explanation that cuts to the heart of the point. Explanations are written to be understood; and virtually all range in length from a single sentence or paragraph to less than a page.
Portable Dad is a teaching guide, not a preaching guide, so the book’s focus never strays from its mission: explaining life’s most important whats and whys in an easy to understand, straightforward style that entertains and explains. Because there are no lectures, what each reader chooses to do with the advice and insight is up to him or her.
The wisdom shared in Portable Dad has helped thousands of people across six continents improve multiple aspects of life. Readers will learn to:
o De-clutter crowded minds,
o Develop and protect a consistently more positive outlook,
o Boost confidence and self-worth, and
o Accelerate the attainment of personal goals and true ambitions.
Shown below is how Portable Dad unfolds. Please not my preference for the phrase “Where Stuff is Located” obsoletes the traditional boring and ho-hum term “Table of Contents.”
Where Stuff is Located
1. Inside the Coconut
a. Logic
i. Planning
ii. Getting Smarter
iii. Wisdom
iv. Realistic Expectations
v. Staying Positive
b. Emotion
c. Worry
2. Heart
a. Self-belief
b. Persistence
c. Setbacks
3. Happiness
4. Head (your face, eyes, ears etc.)
5. Mouth (what goes in & what comes out)
6. Hands (reaching in, texting, driving etc.)
7. Feet & Legs
8. Romance
9. Wallet
10. Dealing with Others: Perceptions and Interactions
a. Things to do
b. Things to avoid
11. Time & Mortality
12. Shaping a legacy
In closing, please note that I wrote this book for exactly one reason: to help people. Having have taught life skills in business and classroom environments all around the world—two million miles worth—students all across this planet have validated time and again my unwavering trust that smart people who want to learn, will learn. And the best place to grow stronger is internally, between your ears and in your heart. Master the life skills most relevant to the life you want to live and everything about living it gets easier.
Portable Dad is a labor of love harvested from a career of caring. If the book proves valuable—and I hope it does—do a friend a favor and teach him or her something you find especially helpful.
When you pay it forward, you also pay me back.
Thank you for considering and supporting my work.
With best regards,
Ocean Palmer
Denver, Colorado USA