Thrilled this one is out:
Just as “Managing the Worry Circle” helped people around the world, so will this.
For most, the worst part of a new job isn’t doing what’s required, it is finding and landing the job in the first place!
Having taught and coached around the world, I have compiled an easy to understand, behavioral-based teaching guide to help demystify the emotions and behaviors that are key to successful job hunts.
I urge you to share this resource with any friend who might benefit. A quick glance inside will reveal the key success facets tied to a successful search. Together these subject will help improve time utilization, personal value propositions, prepare for interviews, speak with confidence, differentiate, and succeed. As the cover illustrates, the goal is to enjoy what you do while earning a nice living. One need not suffer at the expense of the other.
Job hunts reward those who understand how to differentiate their candidacy and strategically maximize relevance in synch with the minds of their interviewers. As such, effective interviewing is a learnable skill that will serve you well for the length of your career.
Trust what you read. The book is written to teach, encourage, and explain. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Best regards,